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University of Guelph πŸ“œ

Graduate School

August 2020 - October 2022

MASC+AI in Engineering

Throughout my mechanical engineering degree at UofG, I developed a passion for software development. Whether it was working on personal or professional software projects, I found I always had the same feeling of satisfaction building applications from the ground up. I accepted admission to UofG to pursue a MASC + AI. The β€˜+AI’ designation indicates that my program has a strong focus in artificial intelligence, as the University of Guelph is affiliated with the Vector Institute. I studied Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning and how it could be applied to autonomous vehicle platoon control. My thesis can be found here, and I published my research here.

Undergraduate School

September 2015 - April 2020

Bachelor of Engineering Co-op, Mechanical Engineering

The University of Guelph has been a great university for pursuing a degree that I enjoy. Through being a part of many teams in projects, clubs, and the classroom I have developed to become both a better person and better engineering student. I have maintained a position on the Dean’s list throughout my degree, and hope to until I graduate. For a year of my degree I ran the Guelph Robotics Team as Co-President with my friend. This experience allowed me to apply course concepts and provide leadership to incoming students and current students at the university. I will always be grateful for my university experience and the technical and transferrable skills it has imparted in me.