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This section contains information related to my career and education. Click on the links in the left navigation bar to explore my roles/education.

Resume ๐Ÿ“

A link to my resume can be found here

Certifications ๐Ÿ†

As my career continues to develop, I am actively working towards new certifications. Below are my current certifications.

Summary of Skills ๐Ÿคน๐Ÿฝ

Below is a table summarizing some of my technical skills.

Skill Years of Experience Category
AWS 1 Cloud
Azure 1 Cloud
Github CI/CD 2 DevOps
Gitlab CI/CD 2 DevOps
Kubernetes 1 Technologies
Docker 3 Technologies
Tensorflow 2 Technologies
Microsoft Office 10 Technologies
LaTeX 6 Technologies
Vscode 6 Technologies
Python 8 Programming Languages
Java 3 Programming Languages
Go 1 Programming Languages
Swift 1 Programming Languages
C 2 Programming Languages
C++ 1 Programming Languages